St. Marguerite d’Youville

An example of living hope and innovative faith


A WOMAN of exceptional charisma

A WOMAN of prayer and unshakeable faith

A WOMAN who becomes Providence for the needy

A WOMAN of great simplicity et deep humility

A WOMAN of gracious hospitality, tact and gentle firness

A WOMAN sensitive to the cry of the poor

A WOMAN who opts for God and the poor

A WOMAN who is courageous and resourceful in the help she gives the poor and in the defense of their rights

A WOMAN whose love is boundless...

A WOMAN who identifies needs and takes appropriate action...

A WOMAN of action and of contemplation...

A WOMAN of grateful heart even in times of trial...

A WOMAN of hope who love is so profound that it permeates her entire being and action

A WOMAN of harmony stressing charity...

A WOMAN who seeks, calls and invites companions to serve in unity Jesus Christ and the poor for the rest of theirs lives.


(Taken from the book «Marguerite d’Youville: Great Moments in Canadian Church History»)